Part 4

By Don Estes – Founder and Director of InnerSense, Inc.



We call this Grand Unification of Real and Imaginary and express it as an equation or algorithm:


_ Square root of One = Real (Actual Reality) and,

_ Square root of Minus One = Imaginary (Potential Reality)

_ One = Unity

The meaning of this algorithm in English is “anything taken to the power of its own imagination results in unity and wholeness.”


All reality is composed of two polar opposites associated and resolved by a third partner. In human terms, this tri-unity is composed of a body and a spirit associated and resolved by mind.

Since the mind controls the body by paying attention to, or ignoring, the spirit’s direction, it is the predominant energy of consciousness. In order to perfect the body, the mind must transducer the guidance of spirit into physical reality. The only connection that mind has with the internal and external environments, is through the sensory mechanisms.

Therefore any investigation into or manipulation of consciousness must start with the senses. This is why mind machines are so important, and why mind will become the focus of more research into the art and science of transformation, as they are the essence of Sensory Resonance ™ devices. The transformative technologies researched, designed, developed and marketed by InnerSense, Inc. are all based upon these primary directives.

They are supported by the following unique and proprietary collection of intellectual properties, patented technologies and experienced know-how:

_ Unlimited access to a world-class supercomputer, which can go beyond phase analysis and allow entry into the realm of the automata. Having our own portal insures security and an unlimited possibility of future improvement. The Chronoldek™, as we call it, continuously monitors the Internet and reports on anything resonant to our work. Therefore, we can stay abreast of the latest developments in our field of expertise. The Chronoldek™ drives all of our processes, designs our products and develops our services.

_ Biometric Analysis of the Breath – Aspire™ Spectral Essence Evaluation™ – shows total available energy and its distribution across frequency, magnitude, phase, music notes/ octave, time, and personality (physical, mental and spiritual arrangement). In addition, it reveals how much energy is already ordered and held in reserve. Provided at on-site locations around the world or by Internet and phone consultation.

_ Natural Resonance Biofeedback: Harmonic Resolution™ – Combining Aspire™, Harmonic Resolution™ Feedback, Grand Unification™ of the R:I ratio, Personalized Music Therapy, Virtual Reality, Sensorium™ LSV Sensory Interface and the VibraSound® Multi- Sensory Resonance Vehicle. Lack of energy is almost never the issue. In most cases, there is an overabundance of attention in one area of someone’s life with a corresponding lack in another. To increase the energy can make the problem worse until the energy is appropriately distributed. Harmonic Resolution™ enhances what’s right and helps to redistribute the energy by resolving the R:I ratio via binaural phasing. It is basically a process of disassembly, rearrangement and reassembly. Provided at on-site locations around the world or at home/office on your own computer.

_ Scientific Alchemy: Old age alchemy combined with the latest supercomputing technology: Transformant8™ Allasso Concentrate – Algorithmically Transformed Water. Alchemy has finally come of age. Just as superstition has always been replace by a fuller understanding of science, alchemy has finally been pulled from the mystery of the ancients into the modern world through the science of automata and algorithm. Water can become the agent of its own transformation by resolving the difference between its actual and potential selves.

There is a difference between knowledge and experience. Transformant is experienced in the art of transformation to the next level. Consuming it provides all of the resources required for transformation and can enhance any substance or process that it is introduced into.

_ Public experience – InnerSense has designed, built and managed both therapeutic centers (AHA! Spa™), and location-based entertainment facilities (InnerSpace™ and Mind-Wave™) all over the world. The corporation has been in business since the early 80’s and has a wide range of experience, knowledge and wisdom regarding both the art and science of vibration.

_ Superior equipment sales and service: VibraSound® – Sensory Resonance Vehicles, Sound Tables, Sensory Interface Devices, Virtual Reality platforms, MindShips and No-Time Machines – State of the Art, multi-sensory biofeedback devices and furniture that allow the user to see, hear and feel video, music and sound.

_ Dedicated Support: Harmonic Law™ Publications – Books, charts, CDs, music, consultations, public education, workshops, expos and conferences.

The Portacle


Don Estes is a certified medical technologist, laboratory director and neuroscientist who has lectured worldwide on sensory science and vibrational medicine. He has appeared on CNN, NBC, ABC, Entertainment Tonight, Science Frontiers, and the Discovery Channel hits Beyond 2000 and Next Step, which won an Emmy award in 1994. In addition, his work has been featured in Wired, Computer Design, and Los Angeles Magazines and many other national and international media. He is also the author of many articles as well as a book called Harmonic Law: The Science of Vibration, which is illustrated by a large wall chart titled the Absolute Scale of Relative Cosmic Reality, one of the most complete compendiums of scientific and philosophical knowledge ever assembled.

He is founder and director of InnerSense, Inc. and inventor of VibraSound_ Sensory Resonance _ technologies used by both professional and nonprofessionals all over the world for music and sound therapy, relaxation, entertainment and expanded states of mind. His intellectual property is garnered from over thirty years experience in the unification of science, philosophy and religion and includes theories, proprietary knowledge and patents in the fields of light, color, sound, music and algorithmic automata. His unique combination of experience in both the hard and soft sciences represents the essence of true neuroscience.



Copyright: Don Estes for AVS Journal (2009) CA. All rights reserved.

AVS Journal Vol. 8, #1