The Light and Sound Dictionary… conclusion
Pitch is the frequency of sound used for auditory stimulation and is thought of in terms of bass (the low notes) through soprano (the high notes). Pitch refers to the frequency of sound stimulation and is perceived as “low notes” (bass) to “high notes” (soprano).
Polarity adapter will work with all 6 volt avs instruments, including most Mind Alive, Mindplace and MindGear units. These adapters are approximately 12 inches in length and easily connect between your lightframes and unit. If you own more than one l/s unit and want to use lightframes from one unit with another, only to find that they won’t flash, then Polarity Adapters are for you.
Ramping is a gradual method of changing (either increasing or decreasing) the parameters of light and sound stimulation when designing a session. Ramping refers to changing a stimulation parameter gradually so that “jumps” are not perceptible. Most light and sound systems can ramp frequency, but some still “jump” in 1 or 2 Hertz steps. Fewer can ramp volume and intensity. Listen to a dual binaural beat session before deciding it is not important to ramp pitch.
Schumann Resonance Frequency is 7.83Hz and is referred to as the frequency of the earth.
Sessions are built-in, downloadable or custom made sequences of changing light and sound stimulation for specific purposes, such as relaxation, alertness, sleep, etc. Sessions typically last from 15 to 45 minutes, and some systems allow the user to vary the running time. While a session is running, the session programming controls most of the operation of the system, although some features may be left to operator control. The variety and quality of the built-in sessions on a light and sound system has a profound effect on how well the machine will work for you.
Sine wave sound are pure tones consisting of only one frequency. When you play a musical instrument, the notes have a fundamental frequency and many harmonics. The result is not a sine wave, but on most instruments the result sounds pleasing. On a light and sound system that does not have sine wave sound, the alternative is usually square wave sound (on or off), not because it sounds good but because it’s easy to make on a computer. Mixed tone beats and binaural beats do not work as well on non-sine-wave sound either.
Soft on/off refers to beginning a session by gradually increasing (ramping) the light and sound stimulation and ending a session by gradually decreasing the light and sound stimulation. This enables the transition into and out of a session to be much more pleasant, without any sudden jerks.
Soundscapes is a name commonly referred to digital “nature sounds”. A small nature sound bit (rain, forest, ocean, waterfalls etc.) is recorded on a chip and repetitively played back. Although nature sounds are not designed with certain frequencies in mind, the repetitive sound and light pattern are soothing and work well for quiet entertainment.
Symmetron brings to you a unique multi-phase wave experience. The motion is designed to provide the optimal environment for personal growth and relaxation. The Symmetron utilizes an exclusive movement that is developmentally significant and delightfully pleasant. The NASA-style “gravity reduction” coupled with a variable speed orbital platform creates a personally relaxing rhythm that simulates an unparalleled sense of weightlessness. Symmetron is the ultimate in tactile stimulation and motion. Visit for details.
Tactile stimulation are specifically designed frequencies that produce physical sensations. When utilized with light and sound, this experience creates a complete “mind/body” experience.
Tempered scale is a musical scale utilized in modern western music. There are twelve notes per octave with a constant frequency ratio between adjacent notes (the twelfth root of 2, or about 1.059). This approach has advantages in playing music in different keys, but does not make chords come out as well as they could. An interesting alternative is the Just scale.
TENcolors get white, blue, red, green, indigo, yellow, aqua, as well as 3 more subtle color variations: golden, violet, and rose quartz all through one lightframe. TENcolors!™ Lightframes are for personal light and sound users. TENcolors!™ feature independent left eye / right eye color selection and connects directly to any Common Power (CP) or Common Ground (CG) light and sound instrument. Created by Michael Landgraf and Chris Williams, and made by Mind Gear, TENcolors utilize an RGB-based LEDchip. Sold through
Theta brainwave frequencies are associated with states of deep relaxation, rapid learning and creativity. These frequencies range between 4-7Hz.
Thwack is a little known technique that utilizes gamma light, sound and tactile stimulation, along with motion, to achieve an immediate state of extreme alertness and motivation. Created by David McLaughlin, we dare not say this approach has any medical or therapeutic value, but possesses immense entertainment value. However, our research indicates it has therapeutic potential and does assist in achieving maximum performance in athletic endeavors.
Tone is the kind of sound stimulation used in light and sound sessions. Examples of tone are: pulsed tone, pulsed surf, alternating tone/surf, pulsed chord, binaural beats, binaural beats with a metronome tick at a specific frequency, dual binaural beats and dual binaural beats with surf. Tone refers to the type of sound stimulation used.
Turbosonix are strobe encoded CD’s that synchronize pulsed light and audio stimulation with music. Similar in performance as AudioStrobe CD’s, Turbosonix is the creation of Mind Gear.
Visuals are the wavy, shifting color patterns perceived when observing the pulsating lights during a light and sound session. These patterns are the result of the interaction of the light pulse rate of your instrument to the sensing/processing rate of your eyes. Visuals refer to the shifting, colored patterns perceived when you look at the flickering lights on a light and sound system. The patterns are optical illusions caused by the interaction of the flicker rate with the sensing and processing rate of your eyes and brain. You may have seen a child’s top with radial black lines, that when spun, gives the appearance of changing colors. That is a similar effect. The visual images from a light and sound system can be very impressive and contribute a lot to the enjoyment of using the system. A session that creates a good light show is imaginatively said to have “excellent visuals”.
Volume refers to the loudness of the sound stimulation.
Copyright: Michael J. Landgraf &, Granada Hills, CA. / November, 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied or duplicated without prior written approval by Michael Landgraf.
Published by Little Minnie’s Publishing House. ISBN 10: 0966259602. ISBN 13: 978-0966259605. All inquiries pertaining to this book should contact