The Cheapest and Most Diverse Color Therapy Device Ever Devised!


Color Filter Gels

At long last, you can choose from a variety of colors to suit your goals and moods. Simply use any color filter gel in front of your white light AVS glasses! That’s all there is to it. This is the cheapest and simplest, yet most phenomenal color therapy device yet devised.

You use your AVS machine in tandem with these gels. Set your light glasses on any table top or desk and put any color gel right in front of the white LEDs. Use your AVS machine in manual mode so you can change the frequency to whatever makes you comfortable.

The color light shines into your eyes. Colored light shining into your eyes is extremely powerful. You will notice shifts right away. Determine which AVS frequency makes you feel the best, set the frequency there.

Why use different colors?

Colors are very significant factors in our environment. We buy cars, paint our homes, and buy clothes based on colors which make a statement about who we are. Each of us has colors which we like, and colors which we dislike.

Now you can choose the color which suits your mood, or experiment with different colors for different effects. Meditation programs, for example, work well with blue light.

Color Chart

Based on a person’s upbringing, colors have “attached” meanings. Below are some examples:

Traditional                     Traditional                        Natural Sense

(positive)                        (negative)                             (smell)

Red love, energy        cruelty, wrath                      fire rose

Orange harmony,     social danger, risk             sunrise citrus

Yellow light, gold       mean, deceit                      sunlight lemon

Green growth                  jealousy                             plants leaves

Blue truth, wisdom     despondency                     sky berries

Violet royal,            spiritual depression            sunset eggplant

How to use the different colors:

Choose different colors based on your mood. Use the chart above, or simply use your own intuitive approach. A number of users of the Color Gel Collection have reported using the different colors as follows:

Red: energy, migraines

Orange: cheerfulness

Yellow: focus

Green: healing, transformation

Blue: sleep, meditation

Violet: spiritual, transforming

Choose any of the above colors to transition to a specific mood, then select a light and sound program which matches your goals.

Here is an interesting depiction of color by Dr. Morton who reviews the historical use of color in society, religion, sociology, psychology, spirituality, and in medicine:

Red– stimulates endocrine gland, blood flow, increases pulse, increases rate of breath, enhances appetite, heightens smell.

Orange– increases appetite, induces relaxation, increases potential to sleep, slows blood flow.

Yellow– quickens electrochemical transference of light energy from eye to the brain.

Green– soothes allergic reactions, elevates blood histamine, dilates blood vessels, reduces food allergies, reduces distress from eczema, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal problems, restores vision chemicals.

Blue– causes brain to secrete 11 neurotransmitters that tranquilize, slows pulse, deepens breathing, reduces perspiration, lowers body temperature, reduces appetite.

Each gel filter in our Color Gel Collection is affixed with velcro for quick and easy application. Simply match the velcro on each filter to the velcro (included) on your white LED glasses. To clean, simply wipe with a damp cloth.