Part Two: Of Scientists and Shamans: Mind, Molecules & Magic

By Zoe Seven


(From AVS Journal)


From my new book, Back From The Void:

At one point during a plant ceremony, my consciousness “tuned into something” that was attempting to communicate with me. I engaged it for a few moments by feeling its essence. I was not prejudging whether this “thing” was either “good” or “evil;” I only wanted to “catch its vibe.” After a while, I felt an energy emanating from this mysterious thing, and I received a communication in the form of a “packet of data” or ROTE. [Robert Monroe, the author of several books on the subject of the out-of-body experience, including the classic Journeys Out of the Body, uses the term as an acronym for Related Organized Thought Energy—which is transmitted telepathically among beings engaged in out-of-body states. ROTE is described as “a mental book or recording, complete with emotional and sensory patterns.”] The thing was asking me for permission to enter into the ceremonial circle. Which seemed odd. I mean, why didn’t it just come in without asking permission? If the thing or entity or whatever it was hadn’t tried to engage me in communication, I would have never even noticed it. And then it could have come in without any problem.

While I was receiving this information, I was sitting up and appeared to be talking to myself. Silvia interrupted me. She said that she did not want me to speak too loud, as it might disturb the seminar participants. “Zoe what’s going on?” she asked. “You’re getting a bit loud.”

“I am communicating with a presence, Silvia. An entity,” I countered. Then I continued, “Hmm… I am getting that. No, wait a moment. That, nope… Oh, it’s a shaman! His name is Don Navarro,” I responded in an excited state.

“Don Navarro?” Silvia asked bewildered, “How do you know this Zoe?” I replied, “What do you mean how do I know this? He told me. How else would I know?” I shrugged.

But I had been wrong. As I continued to get impressions from this invisible source, I realized that what was actually taking place is that I was not communicating with “Don Navarro” himself, but rather with the healing energy he used to heal with, back when he was incarnated and worked with clients. In other words, this shaman’s “magic” seemingly had a consciousness of its own, and its essence was the embodiment of healing. Hence, it wanted to come into the healing space of the ceremonial circle.

Apparently the energy wanted permission to enter into this space to aid those who had called upon Nature for healing. Although Silvia and I were both facilitating the ceremony, the energy—having been previously used by a male, Don Navarro—was asking permission from me rather than Silvia. I had a particular vibe, a “male resonance polarity,” for lack of a better term. Therefore this energy was attracted to me like a magnet.

In hindsight, the energy was obviously both intelligent and ethical, since it requested permission before doing anything. The energy wasn’t going to intrude on the group’s ceremonial circle anymore than I would walk uninvited into a  stranger’s home. I respected such an attitude, and acknowledged it as well. But it really should not come as a surprise given the fact that we are talking about a healing energy that is intelligent, are we not? So I let it in […] Through my investigations, I discovered four major ways in which psychoactive plants can be used. The first way is purely for hedonistic purposes; while there is nothing wrong with this, it isn’t my own focus and hence I won’t be discussing it further.

End of Part Two.

Copyright: Zoe 7 for AVS Journal. All rights reserved.